Before I left, I spent a year cramming in as much German as I could. I thought I was well-prepared./But I wasn’t./Especially not for the German bureaucracy./Status Error: Your residence permit for applying to schools is expiring./I finally completed my studies in 2009. I lingered around, a huge gap in between, then came love and well ... but then I was ready to dive into the working world./”I’m ready!”/If not for ... /Status Error: Your residence permit to look for work after completion of studies expires after 12 months (today it’s 18 months)./Employment in a café or as a translator wouldn’t have been sufficient for the office. Because I studied computer sciences, it’d have to be a job in my field./Mail Inbox: Refusals and deadline reminders./“I found something in Düsseldorf.”/Two months before I would have had to leave, a friend of mine recommended a company in Düsseldorf./The job interview went really well. On my way home, my new boss even gave me a call./Which didn’t necessarily mean I could start working. He’d have to first take care of the employment office formalities./He wrote the employment office that he needed Indonesian employees./“We’re expanding to Indonesia.”/Such a lie!