
“Experiencing trauma and developing a post-traumatic disorder changes an individual. You have to learn to live with it, but you can take care of it thanks to psychotherapy. It’s a process.”/Imen Jelassi has been a psychologist at the centre since 2016./“The thing with children is that they don’t have the language to express their pain.”/“By drawing sketches we can understand, for example, that some children suffer from night terrors.”/ Every three months, between 250 and 300 patients benefit from social and psychiatric care/Toys and art therapy help emotions be expressed. This also helps determine a child’s stage of development./“We work with specially trained translators, but these costs are not covered by public health insurance companies.”/“A real psychotherapy is expensive, takes time and needs qualified staff—which is a difficult formula to get together here.”/”I am not very happy because I think too much.”/”I am happy when I don’t remember terrible things.”/”I still don’t understand how this helps me.”/”We fought together, it helped me.”/”The therapist helped me to sleep and to better gather my thoughts.”/”Art”/”We did so many activities.”/”I have a good shrink!” [extracts from a brochure from Children of Tomorrow]/There are 60 places in psychotherapy. There is a six-month waiting list.